Storage Devices and RFID Applications in Healthcare


With the implementation of RFID in healthcare, there are various challenges that come with it. This section explores some of these challenges and provides some solution that can be adopted.


Standardization refers to following a set of standards that was created. With RFID being introduced to healthcare, many new standards need to be added. For example, a prescription drug needs to be tagged with its date of manufacture, source, etc. Aside from that, other information would be required such as shipping information because the drug may be transported to other countries.

PROBLEM: It is not clear who holds the authority to all the standards. Also, given that medical drugs are exported, the specifications made by the manufacturing country cannot be changed by the country which is prescribing it.


Injection and Rejection

PROBLEM: RFID chips may be implanted into patients; hence there is a possible risk of getting infected by the device. The patient’s body may also reject the device, just like facing organ rejection after an organ transplant.

It is important to note that patients need to be informed of the risks before implantation.


RFID works base on radio frequency wave. In the hospitals, there are examinations such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which makes use of electromagnetic radiation.

PROBLEM: Both may not be compatible. Patient may need to undergo a MRI scan for a more accurate diagnosis by the doctors but is hinder by his/her implanted RFID chip.

Patient's Rights - Privacy

RFID in healthcare is a relatively new technology. For now, patients’ information can be viewed and modified constantly.

Patients’ information may be obtained easily by people who are not supposed to view them.

1) Only allow authorised personnel to view patient’s data, location, etc. To do so, have another layer of security such as fingerprint identification to verify that the person looking for patients’ data is a doctor.

2) Use short-range RFID readers instead of long range ones such that only people in the sight of the patients can access the patients’ data.

Disruption of Hospitals' Radio Frequency Broadcast

PROBLEM: Interference of RFID readers with MRI scanners in the radiology department.

1)Have the readers kept at a distance from the important equipments.

2)Use lower energy readers as much as possible.

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